JStatCom API Documentation

com.jstatcom.component GUI components with general functionality.
com.jstatcom.engine Abstract implementation of the engine communication as well as the procedure call.
com.jstatcom.engine.gauss GAUSS communication that uses an installed version of the software.
com.jstatcom.engine.grte Gauss Runtime Engine / Gauss Engine communication.
com.jstatcom.engine.matlab New enhanced Matlab communication.
com.jstatcom.engine.mlab Older Matlab communication.
com.jstatcom.engine.ox Ox communication.
com.jstatcom.engine.rstat R communication, see www.r-project.org.
com.jstatcom.engine.stub Communication to arbitrary system libraries without JNI wrappers.
com.jstatcom.equation Components to display equations.
com.jstatcom.io Input/output related classes as well as data import implementations.
com.jstatcom.model Data model and Symbol Management systems.
com.jstatcom.model.control Symbol control system.
com.jstatcom.parser Various parsers generated by JavaCC.
com.jstatcom.project Project and settings management systems.
com.jstatcom.table Special tables for some data types.
com.jstatcom.ts Components and data types related to time series analysis.
com.jstatcom.util Utility classes shared by other packages.